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i had sex with my bf but he pull out his sperm outside.my last period was 10th august and i had sex on 26th august.son can i be pregnant although his sperm did not fall inside my vagina?plz tell me i m so worried.

By Anonymous August 30, 2011 - 11:51am
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i had the same worries.my bf felt that he was about to ejaculate and he did it outside my vagina. he cleared his penis and i asked if there are some left, he said none. then we continued.is there possibility that i will become pregnant?

October 25, 2011 - 1:31am
EmpowHER Guest

thank you so much susan for your reply.

August 30, 2011 - 10:58pm

Anytime you have unprotected sex, there is a risk of pregnancy. If your boyfriend did not ejaculate anywhere inside, near, on, beside your vagina, then your chances of pregnancy are extremely low-to-none. It takes a male's sperm (from ejaculation) to be in contact with a woman's vagina for a pregnancy to occur during sex, and if you are positive that this did not occur, the chances of pregnancy would be almost non-existent. There are small risks that sperm can be pushed out of a man's penis when is penis first becomes erect (the liquid that comes out during erection is known as "pre-cum" or pre-ejaculatory fluid), but this is also unlikely in most circumstances. There are just no guarantees that anyone can provide to you, and is the reason unprotected sex causes so much tension and worry--it's a waiting game until your period starts, unfortunately. If you have unprotected sex again, or have birth control failure, it is important to get to the pharmacy and ask for emergency contraception before 72 hours has passed (the sooner, the more effective).

The pull-out method, for future reference, is not a reliable form of birth control for most couples, but has been practiced successfully by couples for many years who are intentionally using this method. I can explain this more in-depth if you are curious about the pull-out method, but sounds like you may be more interested in using condoms or other birth control?

August 30, 2011 - 7:45pm

The pullout method has a 25% failure rate, meaning even if he pulls it out, you could still get pregnant. It's too early to take a pregnancy test, so unfortunately, you will have to wait a bit longer to take a test. Hope everything works out for you, try not to stress out about it too much for the time being, you don't know for sure, so worrying will not help matters.

August 30, 2011 - 4:35pm
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