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wats d probability of still getting pregnant even wen u just saw ur period?

By April 19, 2013 - 2:36pm
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Hi. I'm so grateful for all d past advice I've received frm u. i had series of unprotected sex wit my boyfriend this month altho it started frm d 21st day of my cycle, and i took d plan b like two times too so i just saw my period today. But is there any slight possibility i could still get pregnant even tho i just saw my period?

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Very low. It is highly unlikely that she is ovulating and as the lining of the uterus is being shed it is not prepared to accept a fertilized egg. Not to mention the Egg can only be fertilized in the upper 1/3 of the Fallopian tube and it is highly unlikely that there will be an egg in this part of the Fallopian tubes at this stage in a females cycle.
The chances of falling pregnant while on your period are next to impossible because there isn't a egg in the correct position in which to be fertilized. Hence the period. But this doesn't mean you aren't pregnant but in most probability you aren't pregnant. But if you experience any symptoms then do a test.

May 6, 2013 - 2:35am

Hello achiever2012,
There is no chance that you are pregnant since you are currently having your period.

Each month, in the absence of pregnancy, the lining of the uterus is shed. This is the vaginal bleeding that you experience.

Conversely, during pregnancy, the uterine lining remains intact and you do not have a period.



April 19, 2013 - 4:31pm
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