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Can you get pregnant without the man ejaculating?

By July 21, 2009 - 12:51pm
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I'm very young and i have not ever had intercourse but my boyfriend rubbed his penis on my clit up and down but did not put it in my hole. He did not wear any protection and neither did he come and his penis was dry but is there any way that i can get pregnant?


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Okay so I usually don't keep up with my period but I think im always a few days late. My friend just got pregnant and I think thats why im freaking out so bad, but my boyfriend and i were making out and he wasn't hard, he was small and he stuck just the tip in just to see how it would feel because we never had sex and he wanted to try to stick in in one time but he couldn't get hard.. im really worried i might be pregnant, he says there is no way but what do you think?

March 20, 2012 - 3:53pm
EmpowHER Guest

My boyfriend didn't penetrate inside of me but one of us came, I think it was him. The very next day my period started at late evening. I was still so scared, so he gave me Postinor to take. Does this mean I am pregnant?
PLEASE HELP cos I'm freaking out !!

March 12, 2012 - 10:02pm
EmpowHER Guest

I'm very young. Me and my boyfriend did not have sex but rubbed exactly a week ago. I'm suppose to have my period come very soon if not it should be here by now. I've been having lower back aches. Also my nipples seem to have gotten darker around the outside & I cannot tell if they gotten larger or not. I'm getting very worried also I just gotten a yeast infection, but for me this is common after I have just shaved because it gets itchy there after every time but my uran has a weird smell to it. Could I not be pregnant?! HELP ASAP.

March 11, 2012 - 10:38am

There are 2 possible reasons that you are having pain in your left lower abdomen.

One is ovulation, with your left ovary preparing to release an egg.

Or, spasms in your uterus from over stimulation during foreplay and sexual intercourse, especially if you experienced multiple orgasms.

Hope this helps,

February 23, 2012 - 9:08am

hi, can i ask your opinions? my bf and i had our foreplay for many times in one night then had our sex with condom and then the next day i felt a pain on my lower left abdomen..it is also my ovulation period on next 2 days..what is the cause or meaning of having a pain?? thanks

February 23, 2012 - 12:13am

To be clear, the vagina is an elastic, muscular canal with a soft, flexible lining. It connects the uterus to the outside of the body. The vulva and labia form the entrance and the cervix of the uterus protrudes into the vagina, forming the interior end. The vagina receives the penis during sexual intercourse.

So, I think you are asking what is the likelihood of getting pregnant if your sexual partner's penis rubs against the labia. If the penis is erect, there is a slight change of ejaculation and the release of sperm. Low chance of pregnancy but always a possibility. If the penis is flaccid, not much of a chance.


February 22, 2012 - 6:43pm
EmpowHER Guest

If the penis just rubs the vagina for a few seconds? Didnt go in, or rub very hard at all.....just stroked on the vagina.....what is the likelihood of getting pregnant? He never ejaculated while touching the vagina or even came close at all.

February 21, 2012 - 8:56pm
EmpowHER Guest

im just 14 and im scared the guy didn't penetrate through but he was still around the hole, could i still be pregnant?

February 20, 2012 - 12:57am
EmpowHER Guest

I would like to ask a question. My bf was rubbing the head of his penis on my er ... 'button' and accidentally put the head in. He then went and got a condom where we briefly had intercourse (... mostly a trail run, despite being 24 he has little experience and I am a virgin.) I do believe the penis was dry, since I felt nothing sticky or tasted anything before hand. I understand there is a risk of pregnancy regardless, but I would like to know the chances and if I should get the emergency pill. I have not been able to get birth control yet (plan to). Where would I be able to get one?

February 18, 2012 - 10:49pm

Me and my ex were messing around New Year's Eve and I was wearing thin leggings and a thong I was scared to say stop and he ended up taking out his bare penis and I dry humped it, around January 20th I got my period and then I started freaking about being pregnant next thing I know my stomach is always boated or extended and back pain and I started having these weird uterus pains and these Montgomery tubercles on my nipples and now my stomach is hard all the time so I'm wondering am I pregnant? Or is it all in my head cause I've been stressing about being pregnant for weeks now! And I mean really obsessing over it...my next period is supposed top be in like 7 more days and I think tomorrow morning I might go get a test

February 6, 2012 - 11:01pm
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