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Can cervical cancer return after a hysterectomy?

By Anonymous January 7, 2016 - 11:52am
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I have pain in my lower vaginal area. I also have found hard tissue at the back of my vaginal opening

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Hi Anon,

Thank you for your question.

Did you have a full hysterectomy or partial? Sounds like you had the surgery as a treatment option to fight Cancer. If your womb or cervix were removed to prevent or treat cancer, you may need another test called a vault smear. Did you have this test? Because this test is used as a follow up treatment, that tells me that the Cancer can return after a hysterectomy.

However, you should follow up with your doctor regarding new symptoms and changes in your body to determine what's truly going on.

I hope this helps.
Be well,

January 7, 2016 - 3:08pm
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