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EmpowHER Guest

I too have just had that same problem with my son, in fact, I am looking for some answers to this problem currently. My son, who is also autistic and mild mental retardation with OCD was put on Prozac and immediately was doing the same thing, always trying to run away, going to school, kicking, hitting and groping teachers throwing chairs and hitting his head on the wall. It seemed like it would come and go and when asked, he said at times he felt like he was out of control. He even stated that if the police would come, he would kill them with a knife. Needless to say, we are seeking some answers, the psychologist reduced his meds, but his symptoms still come and go with him being completely off the meds for about a week now. Reading thought says it could take up to a couple of months. His mother and scared, we have another son with cancer that he took off after the other day and a toddler that we are worried about. We can never leave him alone and don't know really what to do.

October 8, 2014 - 10:43pm


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