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Hey Jewel, we're very happy you found empowher.com. I think you will find other women on our site who have experienced some of what you're talking about here. And it sounds like you are really making the effort to make sure everything goes well.

If I were you, I might put in another request for all of your medical records. You have a right to them. I would also ask for explanations.

Another idea might be to take a list of questions like the ones you have here and take them into your doctor prior to the surgery along with any others you can think of. The following links offer some really great resources specific to breast biopsies that may serve as a great basis for questions or possibly answer some existing questions.

What is a biopsy? and

Breast biopsy

In addition to asking your doctor, we will forward your question to one of our experts here at EmpowHer.com. It may take a day or two to receive an answer, so hang in there.

In the meantime, I'm sure other women will weigh in on their experiences. You have our support here. Will you also update us on the results?

July 15, 2009 - 8:33pm


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