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HERWriter (reply to Dr. Marvin)

Thank you, Dr. Marvin, for the clarification. It's one thing I tried to find on the Internet. As I stated in my article it took me a while to find anything on any sort of differences.

And no you certainly can't lump all dentists into one category.

I write out of my experiences in dentistry with all specialties -- certainly not as in depth as you, mind you -- but I write with a hope of getting people to realize there are options. That they have the right to ask questions. They have a right to know what's going on. That they don't have to trust implicitly. They have a right to have their treatment provided by someone else if they don't feel comfortable with the treatment they're receiving.

I agree that it really comes down to how a dentist has been trained and what their experience has taught them. For example, I know of one oral surgeon who earned his DDS before dental implants came out and has 25 years of experience placing them. Another oral surgeon in the same practice, just graduated a few years ago where he specialized in dental impantology and bone grafting. So he comes out of school with the head knowledge, while the older doctor has the advantage of experience. Both are amazing oral surgeons, highly skilled and very knowledgeable. Together they make an amazing team.

Yes...very interesting discussion. Thank you for providing your thoughts. You certainly cleared up a lot of questions for me.

October 7, 2009 - 3:49pm


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