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Hi Noname123,
Good for you for being proactive, despite your shyness. I know it's not easy to overcome that, and you may have some other difficulties. But your health is sooooo important. I'm so glad you're a part of EmpowHER!

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, and really can't rely on anyone else to do it for you. You have to ask for help from your parents, or just do it for yourself. And if there's shortcomings in your insurance, tell your doctor or the nurses and see if they can bring the price down for you. There's no harm in asking, and only benefits to be gained in sticking up for yourself.

I don't know too much about male HPV. I know a lot of people have it generally speaking. I would say that you should worry about yourself, and keep up your appointments with your chosen doctor, to ensure your own good health.

From what you said, maybe they did do a biopsy of some kind to check for precancerous growth? And your doctor said it isn't necessary to treat at this time? That is the thing with HPV...there really are no obvious symptoms, so you really need the doctor to keep tabs on your condition and make sure it doesn't turn ugly. I would definitely call and set up that annual pap (and especially if you're on birth control, because you need it to get your next prescription, which may be coming due if you were there in January '09). While you're there, ask the questions like Alison said, and bring pen and paper to take notes. There is no shame in being a strong woman!!
You go girl, and keep us posted so we know you're alright.

December 3, 2009 - 10:04pm


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