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(reply to Anonymous)

There are several treatment options for mild cervical dysplasia:

Cone Biopsy
This biopsy is the removal of a tiny cone-shaped piece of tissue from the opening of the cervix. The biopsy will be analyzed. The results will show whether any of the abnormal cell growth is cancerous.

Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP)
A small biopsy of the cervix is taken with a wire loop heated by electric current. The results will show whether any of the abnormal cells are cancerous.

Cryosurgery freezes and destroys the dysplasia on the cervix. This method is not recommended for treating large areas of dysplasia.

Laser Treatment
Laser treatment uses a concentrated, high-energy beam of light to destroy abnormal cells. This method is more favorable than cryosurgery because there is less destruction of surrounding normal tissue than with some other methods. Although healing is faster than with other methods, laser treatment is expensive, and not always widely available.

If Cancer Is Found
Cone biopsy and LEEP are usual curative for dysplasia. However, if the cone biopsy or LEEP biopsy shows cancer, surgery, radiation therapy, or chemoradiotherapy may be used. Your doctor will discuss these options with you.

Unfortunately, once there have been cellular changes ("dysplasia"), there have not been any proven effective "natural" treatments except to remove/destroy the cells.

After your procedure, your doctor will want to see you for a pap smear every 3-6 months (approx.), and the results of these future pap smears will depend on many factors (amount of abnormal cells removed, exact location of cells, etc.) before your abnormal results turn to normal.

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December 10, 2009 - 2:52pm


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