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Hi Maria - I join Diane in congratulating you for seeing this through, making the appointment and, most of all, what seems to be a great attitude about going forward with your treatment and improving your health.

This is going to be a lifelong process and commitment for you, so it's important to pace yourself and to figure out how to learn a lot while not getting overwhelmed by it. Like Diane, I'm wondering if you discussed your medication history with the psychiatrist and got support for those issues. If not, a follow up with your regular physician is needed. This is really, really important for your health.

You mentioned earlier that you had concerns about expenses so I wanted to make you aware that Tegretol is the brand name for a drug that also comes in generic versions which may be less expensive. The generic name is carbamazepine and it's sold under the brand names of Tegretol, Tegretol XR , Equetro and Carbatrol.

It's extremely important that you learn as much as you can about this drug, particularly the side effects and warnings, including interactions with alcohol. Your pharmacist can help with this, as well as this link:


Keep in mind that this may, or may not, be the right medication for you. You may want to keep a personal journal or diary to keep track of how it works for you. If it does not work for you then there are many other medications available. It's really important to work closely with your psychiatrist so that together you can figure out what's in your best interest. Sometimes it takes a while to do that.

You also mentioned that you don't have a lot of people to talk to about this. And, as you navigate your way through the learning and treatment processes, you may also choose to keep this information private. An option for keeping your personal information to yourself, while also getting support from others, is to join an online support group. I did a quick search today, and found one that may be good for you, and I'm sure there are many more. Daily Strength is a site I really like. It has many support groups, including the Bipolar Disorder Support Group and a related group for family and friends of those who are bipolar.


Keep in touch, and let us know about those meds and how you're doing. And, of course, we're here to help you with any questions. Take care, Pat

December 16, 2009 - 7:11pm


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