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Are you taking Liothyronine (the synthetic form of T3)?

The side effects of taking liothyronine should actually improve the side effects you are referring to (fatigue, for instance), as that is more a side effect of untreated hypothyroidism.

It is important to tell your doctor about your side effects, as they may be signaling a problem or that your prescription/dose needs to be adjusted.

Please read the patient information pamphlet that came with your prescription, as I believe the instructions say something to the affect of, "Check with your doctor if you experience...difficulty sleeping, headache, change in appetite, diarrhea...".

Since you are experiencing many of these symptoms (fatigue, headache, difficulty sleeping, nausea), please call your doctor and discuss your options (changing dose of one/all your medications, waiting to see if symptoms subside, managing symptoms with other treatment options, etc).

Let us know what your doctor says about your specific situation, as we can help provide more information or clarify any confusing information.

March 18, 2010 - 2:15pm


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