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On October 15th I will light a candle at 7PM for the baby I miscarried to hypothyroidism at 12 weeks in early 2009. I trusted my doctors completely and never doubted they knew everything there was to know about an underactive thyroid in pregnancy. This is the biggest regret of my life. The Thyroid Federation International estimates there are up to 300 million people worldwide, mostly women, with a dysfunctional thyroid, but over half are unaware of their condition. The scientific research clearly links hypothyroidism to miscarriage and still birth, yet the lack of awareness is pervasive. The day I miscarried my child unnecessarily to hypothyroidism, I vowed to research everything there was to know about hypothyroidism and warn other women. I kept my promise and on October 1st, 2012 I launched my blog Hypothyroid Mom in memory of the child I lost and in dedication to my 2 boys who beat the odds and made it to the world.

October 10, 2012 - 1:55pm


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