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Dear anxious 13, It is regrettable that you have been advised of your HPV diagnosis in such a manner that is causing you shame and embarrasment. HPV is a very common virus of which there are many types. There are specific HPV types that are sexually acquired and is common to both men and wonmen once sexual activity starts. These types can cause conditions such as genital warts. Your doctor is sending you for a test that is commonly offered with a HPV diagnosis. It might be helpful to ask for a longer consultation to ask for detailed information about HPV, or ask where the information can be sought. As HPV has no symptoms and takes time to persist in the body it is difficult to say what particular relationship caused this. Remember, HPV is a very common condition to both men and women, usually clears up and you are fortunate you have a doctor who is being thorough. Many of us in HPV research are continually frustrated at the lack of community education about HPV . The embarrasment you feel, and that many women in your situation feel, would be greatly reduced if we all understood HPV better. Margaret Heffernan, OAM, PhD (HPV researcher: Melbourne, Australia)

February 22, 2012 - 9:26pm


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