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(reply to Danielle Serrano)

Danielle, my post was meant as a question. The only prescribed med I have been on is Loestrin which is a brith control pill and docs do not feel this is a complication.

I have been having trouble with digestive issues for awhile and so a year ago I went off all gluten. I have been careful with refined sugars as I knew they were giving me trouble. When I received the diagnosis as pre-diabetic I cut all grains and all sugar including fruit just to get my body back on track and give the pancreas some relief.

I have always been an active person, I am 49 years old (female), and have been a body builder (natural), swam, jogger, biking, hikes, walks. My back started giving me issues and I have tapered off the last 3 years but have continued walks. After my treatments on my back I have picked up my activity again.....1 hour walks 3-4 times a week.

I was hoping someone would recognize the pain issues I am having in my feet and could lend some thoughts. I do have an appt set up to meet a foot doctor. I feel giving up my search is the wrong thing to do at this point. The Lyrica has made me very tired, I have a headache, my stomach hurts and still I feel the pins & needles. I realize it is only one day but I feel I need to find the source rather than covering the pain.

April 17, 2012 - 10:12am


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