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Hi Catherine5655,

Welcome to EmpowHER and thanks for sharing your question!

Since you have had ovarian cysts before and seem to have a pretty good idea of the symptoms, it's likely you are having one right now. I think it's always a good idea to talk to a doctor, especially if it is causing you pain and more discomfort today.

Some ovarian cysts can be more serious than others, so it's always a good idea to schedule an appointment. Typically doctors will use tools like an ultrasound and other imaging tools like CT scan and MRI to diagnosis an ovarian cyst.

Since most ovarian cysts disappear in a matter of weeks or months, sometimes a doctor won't recommend a treatment plan right away.

Has taking ibuprofen and using a heating pad helped in the past?

Here are some other treatment options doctors may recommend:

- Birth control pills - If you have recurring cysts, a doctor may prescribe birth control pills to stop ovulation and the development of new cysts.
- Laparoscopy - Surgical removal of cyst.

There's no way to really prevent an ovarian cyst, but it's important to have regular gynecological exams to keep an eye on recurring ones.

I would definitely schedule an appointment with a doctor since you are in pain. Perhaps try finding a new doctor for a new point of view and suggested treatment plan.

Hope this helps and keep us posted!


November 6, 2016 - 10:32am


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