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am i having a miscarrage

By Anonymous September 14, 2014 - 11:06am
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I have a mirena in place but I have had 4 miscarriages in the last 2yrs. But this time just seems different. I never had to have a D&C with the others they said everything passed ok so it wasn't needed. About 2wks ago my boobs started getting sore and itchy but I had just had a very light period/spotting so I didn't think much of it and last night I started cramping really bad in my lower pelvis and back then this morning woke up to light bleeding but by breakfast had started bleeding heavily. I'm still cramping but its not as painful as it was last night and I have t passed any clots yet like I have in the past.

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Hi Anon - We're sorry to hear you are having this difficulty. It's really not possible for someone on the Internet to determine if you are having a miscarriage or not. Since you stated you are now bleeding heavily you should minimally put in a call to your physician's office, where they should have a physician on call that you can talk with and determine next steps. Another option would be to go to an urgent care center. Let us know how everything works out. We wish the best for you.


September 14, 2014 - 12:16pm
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