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skin white round spots ariund my neck and back

By Anonymous May 24, 2011 - 3:04am
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Dear sir/madam
i am having a skin problem which is a rounded white spots around my neck and my back..what are the reason for this white spots and which medicine ll cure this spots.. The doctor says its Because of fungus..Kindly help and guide me
Thanking You

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Hi Anonymous,

Thanks for your question!
You may have something called Tinea Versicolor, it is a type of dermatomycosis that is caused by a yeast that interferes with normal tanning. Dermatomycosis is a term that includes a variety of superficial skin infections caused by fungi or yeast. These types of infections almost always only affect skin, hair, and/or nails.

Tinea versicolor can result in uneven skin color. Tinea versicolor usually affects the back, upper arms, underarms, chest, and neck. It rarely affects the face.

Treatment options for tinea versicolor include the following:
Medications Applied to the Skin

Selenium sulfide lotion (2.5%) or shampoo (1%) applied daily for a week and then monthly for several months to prevent recurrences. Several other medicated creams and ointments are also available.

Medications Taken by Mouth

Prescription antifungal medications taken by mouth have the advantage of convenience and shorter treatment duration. However, they are more expensive and associated with more adverse effects. Some people cannot take antifungal medications. Tell your doctor about any other medications you are taking and any medical problems you have.

Once the infection is successfully treated, your skin will naturally return to its normal color. However, this process usually takes several months. Also, the condition may improve in the winter only to return again in the summer months.

For more information on Tinea Versicolor, please visit its page at https://www.empowher.com/condition/tinea-versicolor

Al the best,


May 24, 2011 - 6:20am
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