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what should i look for when im late on my period after having a tubal done 17 years ago

By Anonymous May 8, 2011 - 4:09pm
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had my tubes burned cut and tied 17 years ago and i have normal periods but i am 4 weeks late on my period. could i be pregnant? what are the signs and what should i do? i took a pregnancy test and it was negative.

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I am 37 period came nov8 stay 7 days went up still cramping it's another month I am still cramping want sex all the time I don't know what is wrong had a clamp put on 15 years ago

December 2, 2013 - 12:35pm

Do you have any symptoms?
Can you tell us your age?

Signs would include a positive pregnancy test by now, since you are four weeks past your expected period start-date (in other words: a pregnancy test would show positive by now). Any other signs would be if you are having symptoms (pain, irregular bleeding, etc).

If you are in your mid-40s, you could begin having irregular menstrual periods (some women do not begin "perimenopause" until later, but some women do begin in their 40s).

May 8, 2011 - 6:01pm
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