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Five Ways to Overcome Pain After Tooth Extraction

By March 29, 2015 - 1:04pm

Have you recently had a tooth extracted? Most tooth extraction procedures are pain-free. Modern dental anesthetics have seen to that. But when the medications wear off following the procedure, you may feel some pain and discomfort for a few days. However, you can speed up the recovery process and manage the pain of the procedure through the following steps.

1. Use a cold compress.

A cold compress helps numb pain and reduce inflammation. You can use an ice pack or put an ice cube in a piece of cloth and press it on the cheek closest to where your tooth was extracted. This will help you feel better, particularly in the first couple of days when the gums will normally become inflamed and tender. Don’t press too hard on the cold compress, though, because this can backfire and cause further inflammation. Also, only leave the ice on for 20 minutes at a time. The area will heal if there is blood flowing to the site, and ice will shrink blood vessels and restrict blood flow.

2. Take your medications.

For the first week to 10 days, you will be prescribed with painkillers and antibiotics. While the use of the painkillers is really based on your tolerance of pain, you do need to follow your dentist’s prescription for the antibiotics. Some people may think that antibiotics aren’t necessary but this is in fact very important. Taking antibiotics will prevent your extraction site from getting infected. The mouth comes in contact with food and bacteria. Antibiotics help speed up your healing process and fight off unwanted microorganisms.

3. Eat only soft foods for a few days.

Don’t go back to eating your favorite foods right after extraction. Stay on a soft diet with fruit and vegetable smoothies, soups, pastas and well-cooked meats. You also should avoid sweets and sticky foods because they can get lodged into the extraction site, and it will be difficult for you to clean the area. Sweets also promote bacterial growth and may cause an infection in the extraction site.

4. Get plenty of rest.

You will need less recovery time for a single extraction compared to multiple extractions or extraction of wisdom teeth. For a single extraction done under local anesthetic, 18 to 24 hours is probably good for getting back to semi-normal. For multiple extractions, particularly under IV sedation or general anesthetics, take it easy for two or three days. Avoid strenuous activities. Your jaw muscles may be sore so try to avoid laughing. Make sure your mouth has a chance to recuperate.

5. Avoid activities that can hinder your recovery.

Your dentist will provide you a list of instructions for taking care of the site. Continue with your regular dental hygiene, but don’t brush or floss near the extraction site. Don’t use that side of your mouth for chewing or biting. Avoid smoking while your gums are recovering. Smoking can impede the healing process and lengthen your recovery time. Using mouthwash can irritate the extraction site, especially if your mouthwash has a strong mint flavor or alcohol ingredient. Instead, use a saline solution (salt or baking soda and warm water) for gargling. It will kill the bad bacteria in your mouth.

If you’re afraid of the pain that you might experience after the tooth extraction, don’t worry! Today’s dentists use modern techniques that make dental treatment, quick, easy and painless. In fact, a well-renowned denture implants clinic in totowa can make tooth extraction as simple as performing tooth filling. If you choose the right dentist, the operation and aftercare will have much better results.

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