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Gum Tissue Graft Details Revealed

By October 29, 2017 - 4:03am

Do not start to panic when your dentist lets you know that he/she thinks you need a gum graft. The name gum surgery sounds a lot worse than it really is.

Gum recession can damage your teeth quite a lot but with gum grafting your teeth will be protected. Not only does it protect your teeth, but it also improves your smile’s appearance. Gum recession is when your gums start to retract or move away from your teeth. Thus, if your gum tissue pulls away from your teeth, you might have gum recession.

Gum recession exposes more of your tooth than what should be exposed and it can cause a lot of trouble. This can cause damage to all the supporting bone in your mouth. Though, it is a dental problem that is extremely common; it is often never noticed until it becomes severe.

Studies show that it affects 4 % to 12 % of adults. A lot of times people will not even notice that their gums have started to recede, this is because gum recession is a gradual process.

Exposed tooth roots do not look pretty and they can cause your teeth to become more sensitive to hot or cold foods. You can lose one or more teeth if you have gum recession and leave it untreated.

You will most likely need gum tissue grafting to stop any further dental damage and to repair the damage done. Here are a few things listed that you can expect during, as well as after your gum grafting procedure.

What happens during a gum tissue grafting procedure?
There are three different types of gum tissue grafting that is most commonly performed. Your dentist will choose a procedure depending on your needs and the condition of your gums.

These grafting procedures include:
• Connective-tissue grafting. This is the most popular method for treating tooth root exposure. The procedure consists of your dentist cutting a piece of skin on the roof of your mouth called the palate. Your dentist will also cut off some of the tissue under the flap they have created and this tissue is called the sub-epithelial connective tissue. The flap is then stitched to the gum tissue that surrounds your exposed roots. After the graft has been completed the flap will be stitched back down.

• Free gingival grafts. This graft is actually similar to the connective-tissue graft because they both use the tissue from the roof of your mouth. However, with this procedure, they use the tissue that lines the roof of the mouth instead of making a flap and using the 2nd layer of tissue. Thus, they use tissue from your palate directly to treat the gums.

• Pedicle grafts. This grafting uses the gum tissue around or close to the teeth that need to be repaired instead of taking it from the roof of the mouth. The pedicle which is the flap is only cut away very slightly so that one of the edges is still attached. After this, your dentist will pull your gums down or over the roots that are exposed to cover them. This then it gets sewn into place.

Recovery from gum tissue graft
After the procedure is complete, you can leave and go home. If your dentist has used any sedative to help you to relax during the procedure, it will be best to ask a relative or friend to drive you home. Your dentist will advise you on how to clean and properly take care of your sore mouth. Plus, they will give you advice gum graft recovery, on what you should not eat, the medication you will be able to use, and what physical activities you will not be able to do if any.

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