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Autism Investigated Blog Site

By August 12, 2013 - 11:49pm

Back yet again with another blog that I found via a google search for autism forums. Its what up my ally because its seems that the author/editor knows what hes doing. Well, at least for the moment and hopefully will continue. Anyway, its called Autism Investigated http://autisminvestigated.com Blog Site. I already contracted him via contract page on there. In which I can't wait for the response to it.

Think thats it for now.

Thank you, again, in advance.


By August 13, 2013 - 4:21pm

Back yet again to say that I think that Jake or Mr. Crosby and me are pretty much alike. Because I just did a google search on him and it seems like we are a match or whatever its called.

Think thats it for now.

Thank you, again, in advance.


August 13, 2013 - 4:21pm

Group Leader


Is everything that she, her family needs to know about this particular lifestyle, etc. AKA more of a ethical lifestyle then unethical one or whatever its called.


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