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Dermal Fillers

By April 5, 2013 - 11:17pm


What is a skin filler or dermal filler?

Natural proteins like collagen and elastin, and a special substance called ‘hyaluronic acid’ form the support structure or the “filling material” of your skin. When these substances degrade with advancing age, wrinkles begin to appear. This loss is mostly attributed to aging, but smoking, exposure to the sun, pollution, health, heredity, and lifestyle also play major roles. Several “filler” products that contain one of these filling materials are available to fill the wrinkles. These include collagen injections and hyaluronic acid filler injections. Different brands of hyaluronic acid injections like Restylane®, Perlane®, Juvederm®, Puragen™,and Prevel® – are available to restore fullness and remove wrinkles appearing on the face.

Various options – different brands.

Hyaluronic Acid or HA like Restylane® treatment has been used for years in the smile lines and marionette lines that develop around the mouth area, and to create fullness in the lips. Perlane® and Juvederm® are slightly more concentrated products that have been a popular treatment in Europe for deeper lines and wrinkles. Restylane®, Perlane® and Juvederm® are made up of non-animal based hyaluronic acid, a substance found naturally in the body, so no allergy testing is required. Hyaluronic acid binds to water, gradually causing the body’s own moisture to add volume in the treated area. These products are injected with a tiny needle just under the surface of the skin. Like your own “natural hyaluronic acid”, your body eventually breaks down and absorbs this injected material slowly in the next few months… so ongoing treatments are necessary to maintain results.

Semi-permanent options include Aquamid® and Radiesse® which can last from 3 -5 years and are called the ‘semi-permanent’ fillers. These fillers are relatively newer addition to the anti-wrinkle therapy.

What is the treatment like? - Effects and expectations………….

Treatment takes only 15-20 minutes. To make the injection painless, a topical numbing cream can be applied 1 hour prior to treatment, but normally there is minimal discomfort. Applying ice to the site after treatment helps minimize any swelling or bruising. Results of these products are immediate. Because people absorb these materials at varying rates, repeat treatments may be required between 3 months to 12-month intervals.

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