Our featured research news in 2008 looked at new treatment approaches, prevention strategies, drug research, and changes in medical care. The studies also reflected the changes in medical industry to decrease unnecessary costs without cutting care. Here is a quick recap of cancer research featured from 2008.

Cancer News

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US. In 2008, the international agency for research on cancer released a statement predicting cancer will become the number one killer by 2010. Types of cancer found in the 2008 files include ]]>breast]]> , ]]>lung]]> , and ]]>brain cancer]]> .

Smoking is linked to about 85% of lung cancer cases but for many it remains a hard habit to break. Research published last year provided some extra motivation.

  • Information from the ]]>Nurse’s Healthy Study]]> found that women who ]]>quit smoking]]> had a lower risk of smoking-related diseases including lung, colorectal, cervical, and breast cancers than women that continued smoking.
  • ]]>Lung age]]> may also appear to be an effective smoking cessation tool. Smokers that were told how old their lungs were acting were more likely to quit or reduce the number of daily cigarettes.

With all cancers, early detection is important. ]]>Mammography]]> has been an important part of breast cancer screening.

  • Researchers found that a lidocaine gel ]]>helped to decrease]]> discomfort associated with this exam. The study also found that decreasing the discomfort may be helpful in encouraging women to get the important screening.

One of the biggest cancer news stories was about one of the rarest types of cancer. The news started because of a memo sent from a researcher suggesting that cell phones could cause brain tumors.

  • A ]]>review of past studies]]> looking for an association between cell phone use and brain tumors was done. The review did not find a clear link between cell phone use and the development of brain tumors.

How Does This Affect You?

There are many different types of cancers. While they each have some unique risk factors, basic healthy lifestyle choices can decrease your chance of developing many cancers. Good overall health is also important for people fighting cancer. Aim for a healthy lifestyle including a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Participate in regular physical activity. If you smoke quit. If you are overweight, try to lose weight. Ask your doctor about cancer screenings you should attend—early detection is important for best results.