Do Not Have Unprotected Sex

Sexual activity is the most likely way to become infected with ]]>HIV]]>. People infected with HIV may not look sick. There is no way to tell if your partner has HIV without having been tested. Take precautions when engaging in intercourse or any other sexual act that results in an exchange of body fluids.

Suggestions to lower your risk include:

  • Abstain from sex.
  • Use a latex ]]>condom]]> and water-based lubricants.
  • Limit your number of sexual partners.
  • Find out the HIV status and HIV risk factors of potential sexual partners.
  • Find out if potential sexual partners have had any ]]>sexually transmitted diseases]]> , since these are closely linked to an increased risk for HIV.
  • Avoid having sexual relationships with people who are HIV-positive or use injected drugs.

In addition, being ]]>circumcised]]> may also reduce the risk of HIV.

Do Not Share Needles or Syringes

Using a needle or syringe contaminated with HIV-infected blood can cause you to become infected. Do not share needles with anyone. Remember that people may not even be aware that they have HIV.

Use Appropriate Safety Precautions for Healthcare Workers or Caregivers

HIV is transmitted through infected blood and body fluids. When caring for patients:

  • Wear appropriate gloves and facial masks during all procedures or when handling bodily fluids.
  • Carefully handle and properly dispose of needles.
  • Carefully follow universal precautions.
  • Cover all cuts and sores (yours and the HIV-infected person's) with bandages.

Donate Your Own Blood for Elective Surgical Procedures

Blood products are screened for HIV, but there is still a small risk because tests cannot detect HIV immediately after transmission. To reduce your risk of contracting HIV through blood products, consider donating your own blood for elective surgical procedures.

To Prevent Spreading HIV to Others

To prevent spreading HIV to others if you are HIV infected:

  • Abstain from sex.
  • If you do have sex, use a male latex condom. This includes any sexual act that results in the exchange of bodily fluids.
  • If you are prescribed medicines, be sure that you are taking them.
  • Inform former or potential sexual partners.
  • Do not donate blood or organs.
  • Ask your doctor about contraception.
  • If you do wish to become pregnant, talk to your doctor. There are ways to lower your baby's risk of being born infected with HIV.
  • If you have a baby, do not breastfeed.