At this time there are no specific guidelines for reducing your risk of ]]>MDS]]> . The cause is unknown and most of the identified risk factors are beyond your control. The only risk factor you can control to a certain extent is your exposure to industrial chemicals.

Industrial Exposures

If you are exposed to any chemical for prolonged periods of time, check with a Poison Control Center (in the phone book or at ) to determine the risks associated with this exposure. If your exposure is at work, there may be information or assistance available through your employer. The toxins suspected of causing MDS are petrochemicals, benzene, and rubber.

Congenital Syndromes

]]>Down’s syndrome]]> , Fanconi’s anemia, or von Recklinghausen’s disease all increase your risk of MDS. If you have one of these conditions, you should be monitored regularly by your doctor for signs of MDS.

Medical Treatments

]]>Radiation therapy]]> and ]]>chemotherapy]]> , used almost exclusively for treating cancer, may increase your risk of MDS very slightly. If you have received either of these treatments, see your doctor for checkups on a regular basis.