What Is a Renal Disease Diet?

A renal disease diet restricts your intake of:

Why Do I Need to Follow a Renal Disease Diet?

If you have kidney disease, your kidneys are not filtering your blood as well as they should. This may cause certain nutrients to build up to unhealthy levels. You can ease the load on your kidneys by reducing your intake of these nutrients. This will reduce your risk of kidney-related complications. It may also delay the progression of your disease.

Food Choices on a Renal Disease Diet

On this diet, you will limit or avoid a range of foods. You will need to work with a dietician who specializes in kidney disease. The dietician can create a meal plan that is right for you.


Sodium is found in table salt and many other foods. Most canned and processed foods contain high amounts. When the kidneys are not fully functioning, extra sodium can result in:

To decrease your sodium intake:

  • Avoid high-sodium foods and condiments.
  • Do not add salt to foods while cooking or eating.

To add flavor to your food, use herbs and spices. Salt substitutes often contain potassium. You may also need to limit this mineral.


Potassium is found in many fruits and vegetables. It is essential for proper muscle functioning and heart rhythm. When you have ]]>kidney failure]]> , potassium can build up in the blood. This causes problems with heart functioning. You will need to limit the amount of potassium you consume each day. Avoid high potassium foods. Examples include potatoes, tomatoes, citrus fruits, avocados, bananas, and dried fruit. You may still be able to eat your favorite high-potassium food if you limit yourself to a very small portion size. Your dietitian can help with this.


Phosphorous is another mineral that needs to be limited on this diet. If phosphorous builds up in the blood, it can draw calcium out of the bones. This causes your bones to weaken. Phosphorous is found in protein-rich foods. Examples include: dairy products, meat, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Whole grains and cola also contain phosphorous. You may still be able to consume these foods, but you will have to limit the amounts.

Also, your doctor may have you take a medicine called a phosphate-binder. This soaks up extra phosphorous and then passes it out in your stool.


When you have renal disease, your kidneys cannot process the waste products from protein as well as they should. Your dietitian will give you a daily protein limit. The below charts list some common high protein choices and their serving sizes:

High-Protein FoodsAmount
Fish1 ounce
Shellfish1 ounce
Poultry1 ounce
Pork1 ounce
Lamb1 ounce
Beef1 ounce
Eggs1 large
Egg substitute¼ cup

Many protein foods are also high in phosphorus and/or sodium. These foods should be limited or avoided. Your dietitian will tell you how many servings of these foods you can consume each day.

High-Protein Foods With PhosphorousAmount
Cheese1 ounce
Cooked, dried beans and peas½ cup
Milk1 cup
Evaporated milk½ cup
Sweetened, condensed milk½ cup
Nut butters2 tablespoons
Organ meats (eg, beef liver)1 ounce
Soy milk1 cup
Tofu¼ cup
Yogurt1 cup
High-Protein Foods With SodiumAmount
Bacon4 slices
Canned tuna and salmon1 ounce or ¼ cup
Cottage cheese, low fat¼ cup
Deli-style roast beef, ham, turkey, bologna, liverwurst, salami2 ounces
Frankfurters and sausages2 ounces
Veggie burger2 ounces


Depending on your stage of kidney disease, you may need to limit your fluid intake. Consuming too much fluid can result in fluid retention. This can lead to:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Edema

What Can I Eat?

With these restrictions, it is hard to know what you can eat. It is essential that you work with a dietitian. She can determine which foods you can eat and the amounts. Here is a list of foods that you can still enjoy while on this diet:

  • Limited amounts of high-protein foods
  • Low-potassium vegetables
  • Low-potassium fruits and fruit juices
  • Refined breads, cereals, and grains (eg, bagels, white bread, corn cereal, rice cereal, couscous, pasta, white rice)
  • Grain snacks (eg, white crackers, graham crackers, unsalted popcorn, unsalted pretzels, unsalted tortilla chips)
  • Healthy fats (eg, olive oil, canola oil, tub margarine)
  • Desserts (eg, sugar cookies, shortbread cookies, vanilla wafers, sherbet)


  • Track your food intake in a food log.
  • Read food labels for nutrient information and serving sizes.
  • Choose whole foods over processed foods. Processed foods tend to be high in salt and low in nutritional value.
  • Make sure you are eating enough calories. If you need to add calories, try adding healthy fats and simple carbohydrates. Examples include jam, maple syrup, and honey.
  • Talk to your doctor before taking any supplements.
  • Work with your dietitian. Be sure to go to all of your appointments.