image for womens diabetes article The mineral ]]>chromium]]> is often suggested as a treatment for ]]>type 2 diabetes]]> . However, study results have been inconsistent, showing marginal benefits at most. The results of a very large study published online in May 2007 suggest that a combination of chromium and ]]>biotin]]> may be more clearly helpful.

This double-blind study included 447 people with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes. Half the participants were given placebo and the rest were given 600mg of chromium (as chromium picolinate) along with 2 mg of biotin daily. All participants continued to receive standard oral medications for diabetes.

Over the ninety-day study period, participants given the chromium/biotin combination showed significantly better glucose regulation than those given placebo. The relative benefit was demonstrated through measurement of fasting glucose, an indicator of day-to-day blood sugar control, as well as HgbA1c, a marker for long-term glucose control.

For more information, see the full articles on ]]>diabetes]]> , ]]>chromium]]> , and ]]>biotin]]> .