With so many people affected by the ]]>common cold]]> and the ]]>flu]]>, it may seem impossible to avoid catching one, or both. But you can greatly reduce your chances. Arm yourself with the following information about the common cold and the flu—and don't be the next victim.

Is It A Cold or the Flu?

The symptoms for a cold and the flu are somewhat similar. This easy-to-read chart can help you determine which infection you may have.

FeverRarely above 100.5°F(38°C)-101°F(38.3°C), and then only for a day or soCharacteristic, high (102°F[38.8°C]-104°F[40°C]); last 3-4 days
HeadacheGenerally mildProminent
General aches, painsSlightUsual; often severe
Fatigue, weaknessQuite mildCan last up to 2-3 weeks
Extreme exhaustionNeverEarly and prominent
Stuffy noseCommonSometimes
Sore throatCommonSometimes
Chest discomfort, coughMild to moderate, hacking coughCommon; can become severe

Source: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Facts About the Common Cold

A cold is a minor infection of the throat and nose. More than 200 different viruses are known to cause symptoms of a cold—although rhinoviruses and coronaviruses cause the majority of colds. Cold symptoms usually last about 1-2 weeks. Rarely, a cold can turn into a severe lower respiratory infection in young children.

Preventing a Cold

Colds are extremely contagious. A cold is transmitted by droplets of fluid that contain the cold virus. These droplets become airborne when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or speaks. You contaminate yourself by inhaling these droplets or touching a surface that the viruses have landed on and then touching your eyes or nose. To prevent getting a cold, take these simple precautions:

  • Avoid close contact with people who have a cold.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Do not touch your nose, eyes, or mouth. This will help you avoid infecting yourself with germs you may have picked up.

Avoid spreading your cold to others by:

  • Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue away. If you don’t have a tissue handy then put your arm up over your face and sneeze into your elbow. (Sneezing onto your hands increases your likelihood of spreading the cold to others!)
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Limit close contact with others when you are sick.

Treating a Cold

Antibiotics will not cure a cold. In fact, you cannot cure a cold. But, certain things can help you reduce your discomfort. These include:

  • Take certain over-the-counter (OTC) medications. For example, ]]>acetaminophen]]> helps to relieve aches and fever, while decongestants and antihistamines combat congestion. Use caution, though, when giving these medications to children.
    • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that OTC cough and cold products should not be used to treat infants or children less than 2 years old and supports not using them in children less than 4 years old. Rare but serious side effects have been reported, including death, convulsions, rapid heart rates, and decreased levels of consciousness. OTC cough and cold products include decongestants, expectorants, antihistamines, and antitussives (cough suppressants). The FDA is still reviewing data concerning the safety of these products in children aged 2-11 years. There have been serious side effects reported in this age group as well.
  • Drink at plenty of water evry day. This will help keep you hydrated.
  • Avoid alcohol as it promotes dehydration.
  • Avoid smoke. It irritates an already sore throat and intensifies a cough.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Use a humidifier—an electric device that puts moisture into the air.

Facts About the Flu

The flu is in an infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is caused by the influenza virus and is spread through the air. The flu is highly contagious. When an infected person sneezes, coughs, or speaks, tiny droplets full of flu particles are expelled. Because these droplets are small, they are suspended in the air long enough for another person to inhale them.

The flu and its symptoms are more severe than those of the common cold. The flu can lead to ]]>bronchitis]]> or ]]>pneumonia]]>. In addition, it can be life-threatening for the elderly, people with lung disease, and anyone with a weakened immune system.

Preventing the Flu

A ]]>flu shot]]> can lower your chance of getting the flu. You should get vaccinated between September and January (or later since the flu season can last much longer).

Anyone who wants to reduce their risk of the flu should consider the vaccine. Those who should get a yearly flu vaccine include:

  • Children six months-18 years old
  • Parents, babysitters, and caretakers of children less than six months old (as these children are too young to be vaccinated)
  • Adults older than 50 years of age (shown to reduce hospitalizations and deaths in the elderly)
  • Those living or working in nursing homes and long-term care facilities
  • Those with chronic medical conditions
  • Those with chronic diseases, such as diabetes or ]]>asthma,]]> or conditions involving the kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, blood, or immune system
  • Women who are pregnant
  • Healthcare workers
  • Those living with someone who is at high risk for complications from the flu

]]>Hand washing]]> can also prevent the flu. Even if someone in your home has the flu, you can reduce your risk of getting sick by washing your hands. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizers are also effective.

Treating the Flu

Most importantly, when you have the flu, you need rest. And until your symptoms are gone, it is a good idea to not go back to your full activity level. You also need plenty of liquids.

Antiviral medicines generally may help relieve symptoms and shorten the time you are sick. They must be taken within 48 hours of the first symptoms.

Antiviral medicines include:

Oseltamivir (and perhaps zanamivir) may increase the risk of self-injury and confusion shortly after taking, especially in children. Children should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behavior.

To relieve the aches and fever associated with the flu, you can try acetaminophen, found in over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol. For the congestion, stuffy nose, and cough, may want to try a combination of decongestant and antihistamine.

When to Call the Doctor

You usually do not need to call a doctor if you have signs of the flu or a cold. However, you should contact your doctor if you are at high risk for complications or if you experience any of the following difficulties:

  • Your symptoms get worse.
  • Your symptoms last a long time.
  • After you feel better, you develop signs of a more serious problem. These include:
    • Sick-to-your-stomach feeling
    • Vomiting
    • High fever
    • Shaking chills
    • Chest pain
    • Coughing with a thick mucus

Because the four flu medications listed above may be able to reduce the symptoms of influenza and prevent hospitalization and death among high-risk persons (for example, those above age 65, young children, and persons with chronic illnesses requiring frequent medical attention), you and your doctor may choose to develop a “flu” plan if you fall into a high-risk category. By following such a plan you may be able to start taking an anti-flu medication quickly in the (unlikely) event your yearly flu vaccine doesn’t protect you against the symptoms of influenza.