]]>Autism]]> is a lifelong condition. Children with autism and their families may benefit from early intervention. This can include a structured, predictable schedule. With help, many with autism learn to cope with their disabilities. Most need assistance and support throughout their lives. Others are able to work and live independently when they grow up.

Interventions to help children with autism include:

Special Education

Programs designed to meet the child's special needs improve the odds of learning. Children with autism may have trouble with assignments, concentration, and ]]>anxiety]]>. Teachers who understand the condition can build on the child's unique abilities. Programs should incorporate the child's interests. Some children do better in a small-group setting. Others do well in regular classrooms with special support. Vocational training can help prepare young adults for a job.

Therapy Services

Speech, physical, and occupational therapies may improve speech and activities. Children with autism need help developing social skills.

Family Services

Professional support helps a family cope with caring for a child with autism. Counselors help parents learn how to manage behaviors.

Other treatment options include:

]]>Lifestyle changes]]>
]]>Alternative and complementary therapies]]>

There are no surgical procedures for the treatment of autism.