I believe most asthmatics breathe 2-3 times more air per minute than normal and that by reducing their breathing asthma management can be improved and less medication may be needed. This is the ...

Do asthmatics breathe too much?


As a doctor, I get a lot of health questions both in my practice and in my email inbox. Today, I found one that I felt was particularly compelling, which I’d like to share with you. Hi, Dr. ...

Buteykomike commented on FoxNews' post 10 ways to relieve stress naturally


Stress, when experienced in moderation, is a beneficial and useful tool that helps us to survive. However, these days it seems that instead of experiencing stress in moderation, for many people, ...

Buteykomike commented on Danielle Serrano's post Understanding Stress: The Good and the Bad


What is Hyperventilation? Hyperventilation is the term associated with rapid breathing, which is breathing that is in excess of what the body needs to function. Rapid breathing can be the ...

Buteykomike commented on Darlene Oakley's post Hyperventilation: A Commonly Misunderstood Respiratory Event