I have been on birth control for roughly two weeks. I have taken 13 pills thus far. 12 before having sex. My boyfriend and I had sex and still used a condom but after we realized that the condom ...

Birth control/pregnancy?


This may be a lot of information, but I used to have white liquidy discharge for the longest time and I new it was completely normal. But in the last 10 months or so I have notice that change from ...

Vaginal changes?


Hi. I am usually 27/28 days with my cycle. The first day of my last period was Feb 17. My projected start date was March 17. It is now March 23 and I have had spotting from March 20-22. Today I ...

Late period? Pregnancy?


Hello, my boyfriend and I have had sex 4 times between my last period and two weeks ago. Everytime we had sex, we used a condom. 2 or 3 of the times I asked him to pull out before he ejaculated ...

Pregnancy or late period?