thinking?i had ultrasound on same lymphnode a year ago did anibiotics sice but it has grown larger and has created all thes abnormalities so what are they thinking this could be any ideas?i

stephaniemontes68 commented on stephaniemontes68's post so i went for ultrasound and they said they found abnormal lymphnode under arm and it had abnormal shaddowing and abnormal shape and abnormal echo, they are sending me to sugion and had me get mri last friday but the waiting game is unberring so what are


thinking?i had ultrasound on same lymphnode a year ago did anibiotics sice but it has grown larger and has created all thes abnormalities so what are they thinking this could be any ideas?i

so i went for ultrasound and they said they found abnormal lymphnode under arm and it had abnormal shaddowing and abnormal shape and abnormal echo, they are sending me to sugion and had me get mri last friday but the waiting game is unberring so what are