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Mary Shares How She Advocates For Women Worldwide (VIDEO)

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Mary describes how she advocates for women all over the world.

Well my goal with my speaking business is to help women have their voices heard, is to teach them dynamic communication skills, and teach them that it’s okay to have their voices heard, and while I am doing the speaking and this training around the world, I see women who are supporting themselves and their families and trying to grow businesses that have these handicrafts, and I buy these things and I bring them back here and people love them. In the meantime, these women are saying to me, "We really want to get into the U.S. marketplace," and I said, "Oh, I know nothing about retail."

Well, pretty soon I started a business where I am importing their items here to the United States and I sell them to help their businesses grow, and the name of the business is "Up from the Dust." The website is upfromthedust.com, and it’s supporting the economic power of women microenterprises in developing countries.

So, it is just magnificent to work with these women who have so little compared to us and just do amazing things. And one of the groups I am working with in Kenya is a breast cancer support group, and these are women who have had breast cancer and their bosses have fired them because they were missing too much time for treatment, and most of their husbands left them, the women in this group, and so they are beading and making lariats and necklaces and bracelets, and they have just started on some purses for me, so I bring in the things from the Kenya breast support group and sell them.

So besides supporting women who have businesses, I support groups like that as well. Come join me; please check out upfromthedust.com and help your sisters around the world.

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