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why my shoulder STILL hurts after 2010 flu shot

By September 26, 2010 - 5:48am
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I started this new share because I got the new flu shot 3 weeks ago- the one that contains the reg. flu and the H1N1 combined. I got it done at Walgreens. When the Dr (pharmacist, actually) put it in, it did not hurt. Even though it felt like it was in the bone and very high up. The actuall dispensing of the vaccine felt like it took longer than usual. Since then, my shoulder still hurts and I complain about it several times a day. I cannot sleep on it at night and everytime I roll over in bed, it wakes me (all night long). I have rec'd the flu shot for years and I never got this pain. For this reason, I will NOT be forcing my 10 yr old to get it because she could not tollerate this pain and would have missed many days of school thus far. Comments?

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(reply to Anonymous)

It will get better but it will take time. Yes, you should go back to the place where you got the shot and tell them what happened to hopefully prevent them from giving it incorrectly to someone else. It really doesn't matter that it was the shot that has the three combination medicine in it. It's the placement of the shot. So many techs don't understand this and give the shots quickly wihout taking the time to make sure it's given in the proper place. Keep your chin up.

November 6, 2012 - 6:12am
(reply to Anonymous)

anon, we all feel for you. Where did u get the shot? A pharmacy or private Dr's. I can't imagine they can say or do anything much for u. U may wanna show them this link, some Dr's still say it's just in your head. I'll never REALLY know how I got my left arm/shoulder working again. I complained a lot. I rubbed it a lot. I did the hot/cold things a lot. I never took the pain meds but I drank a lot and I took a lot of sleeping pills.

November 6, 2012 - 12:16am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you. So I can figure another three-four months without fear of it NEVER healing. Also, I am amazed you had the courage to get a flu shot again.

February 3, 2012 - 1:11pm

For the sake of making a long story short- I too have been injured by a vaccine. It was NOT the flu shot though, it was a rabies shot. The last dose was administered too high on my deltoid muscle and I started to experience pain within an hour. After a trip to urgent care a few days later I was diagnosed with frozen shoulder. I eventually went to see an orthopedic surgeon and after and MR-Arthrogram (MRI) he discovered my shoulder rotator cuff had a partial tear! So I have been on NSAIDs for weeks and we are hoping my shoulder will heal on its own without the need of surgery.
If I may chime in my two cents, I strongly believe that these shoulder injuries are not at all related to the actual serum (medication) being administered but rather the administration and placement of the vaccine on the patient. Isn't this considered negligence or malpractice as opposed to a reaction? Let's not fool ourselves... and I think that this should be brought to the attention of, well, everyone! Perhaps better training is needed... I just really think that if we all come together, maybe one of us could collect everyones stories and they can be sent to news stations around the country? I have a 3 year old child...what if this happens to him or your child? It's a little scary..

January 17, 2012 - 1:41pm

My wife has the shoulder problems after as shot in early oct. Great source of info here!!

November 28, 2011 - 10:43am
(reply to martykoenig)

Hi all, it's telephoneme- I think I started this particular post... Anyway, @Marty yr wife is NOT joking, the pain is VERY real. It took a good eight months after last year's flu shot before I could sleep OKAY and to pull a sweater over my head. For real, eight languishing months.
Did yr wife notice it was HIGH up on her shoulder, where the shot was given? ThT Wa the one thing in particular that I knew right then- this is unusual.
I had a flu shot, again at Walgreens, and TOLD HER do not go to high near the shoulder. I explained my last experience and she was clearly surprised: '...really? we r always notified through a letter and I never heard of this...' Today, I am pleased to say that although I still see a needle mark and it itches frequently, I do NOT have the pain I did from last years' one. Trust me here, your wife is NOT exGERting.

November 28, 2011 - 12:43pm
(reply to martykoenig)

Tell her to be aggressive in getting help. As you can see from the comments her doctor may be reluctant to believe the pain is from the flu shot.

November 28, 2011 - 11:34am
EmpowHER Guest

I received a 2011 flu shot exactly a month ago and the pain in my left arm is so bad I am not sure if I need to see a MD or Orthopedic Dr. My shoulder, arm to my elbow and even into my lower arm hurts so bad I cannot raise it, cross over my chest or put it behind my back, it even hurts into the back of my neck. I cannot sleep, if I lay on it I wake up in pain, if I use it to much at all it hurts really bad. I have tried heat, moving it more, ice, even pain medication such as tramadol and its still hurting extremely even as I type its painful. ughhh what should I do or not do?? any suggestions?

October 31, 2011 - 8:25am

I'd rather get the flu than to ever suffer the ill-effects from the flu shot ever again. I did ask my Dr. about the nasal vaccine, but he said there are side effects to that, too. So, I think I'll take my chances & trust my own immune system from now on.

As to my rehab, the PT guy said that if there was no improvement, he would have suggested the MRI to find out what's actually going on. I did the exercises every day (with heat before, ice after), and I didn't need the MRI. I'm still having some discomfort when I reach a certain way, but I have mobility & functionality again. I keep doing my daily PT exercises, too.

Two Physical Therapists also said that frozen shoulder is very common for women between age 35 - 40s (they don't know why). And there is a new line of thinking that if Nothing is done, it may resolve itself in 2 - 3 years. I didn't want to be with that kind of pain or uncertainty. I worked out the payment arrangements & got the PT sooner rather than later.

Good luck to you!

May 29, 2011 - 1:01pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Ames)

I began this particular post; I am sure there are others. 2-3 years? That sounds good, because I never went to the Dr about this and , I do not believe my sleeping or arm will ever be the same. I am 47 Female. It has been a very long year.

May 29, 2011 - 1:13pm
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