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By Anonymous October 30, 2016 - 11:33am
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Hi, I am 20 years old and ever since I was 15 I been having annoying breast pain. It all started one night when I was going to bed and they were so painful that I didn't wanna move around trying to sleep and I wasn't on my period or about to have it. Ever since then 5 years later it has been on and off pain but only on the SIDES of each of my breasts and I have felt multiple squishy lumps in both of them and in the same spots like they are identical and once in a while my right breast will sting or feel extra painful, and for about 3 months now I have noticed a really sore tiny ball on my right armpit and its scaring me!

I have never been to a doctor before about any of this because my mom didn't really think it was anything and now being older and on my own I'm scared of going to the doctors even though I know I finally should. Also, I have read alot how it is rare to have cancer at my age especially having it all start at 16 along with having identical pain in the same spots in both breasts which helps me feel better but I still am not sure what to think.
I was just wondering if anyone could please help me with any opinions to put my mind at ease? Could it fibrocystic breasts? or something else? It would be greatly appreciated!

sorry for the long question and thanks in advance! :)

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Hi Anon,

Thanks for sharing your question and welcome to EmpowHER! I am glad you found us.

Breast pain can be cause be a variety of things, and some women do experience a condition called fibrocystic breasts. With fibrocystic breasts, breast pain can worsen during certain times of the month.

Have you noticed that your breasts hurt more at certain times of the month? If so, is it usually always around the same time, or does it differ for you?

Fibrocystic breasts can have several lumps in each breast which are really cysts filled with fluid, and not necessarily cancerous. These lumps are typically more tender right before you begin your period.

I think it is important that you set up an appointment with a physician. What you have described sounds similar to fibrocystic breasts, but I am not completely sure. A doctor's appointment would be a great idea to talk with a doctor face to face, tell them about your symptoms and concerns, discuss the possibility of fibrocystic breasts, and discuss what you can do.

I recommend writing down your symptoms and all of your questions prior to your appointment so you don't forget anything, which can tend to happen if you are nervous during an appointment.

Especially at 20 years old, I think it is a good time to set up a physical with your doctor and discuss what you have been experiencing.

Here are also a few resources on EmpowHER that may be helpful to read:


Let me know how your appointment goes and please keep us updated!


October 30, 2016 - 11:32am
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