You'd like to see your grandchildren every day -- well, nearly every day -- but you live far apart and travel may not be an option. Not as often as you'd like anyway.

You'd like to be a presence in their lives but you just can't be present. Well, fortunately you are living in the best era yet for staying close when you are far apart.

Letters and phonecalls used to be all you could make use of, and while they certainly can bring you closer, it's nice to have so many other options these days.

Technology is your friend. Yours, and your grandchildren's. Meet them online.

Facebook may be the first thing that comes to mind. If your grandbabies are too young for Facebook their parents are not. If they aren't already on Facebook, they may be willing to start an account for the express purpose of contact between you and your grandbabies.

Post photos, and tell them about your day's events. You can ask about theirs.

Comment on their photos or tell them how great they are. Facebook can be a real friend to extended families that are extended by distance.

If you've never heard of Skype, you might want to look into it. Skype is a free video-conferencing piece of technology that allows you to see and talk with your grandchildren ... and their parents too if you're so inclined.

They can see you, see your home perhaps for the first time if they have not visited, or if they have been to visit you in the past they will see this place that stirs memories of time with you.

You can send your grandchildren emails and if they are old enough, they can email you back. If they're too young for this, and indeed are too young to read emails, Mom or Dad can read them aloud and type for the kids.

You might want to try instant messaging. It's like email only in real time. You are typing back and forth together, rather than one of you sending a message that may or may not get read or answered till a later date.

If you don't use Facebook you can still send pictures online, through email, or via safe websites that are available for this purpose.

Maybe you'd like to play an online game with your grandkids. Usually you'll be able to chat while playing your game together.

Whatever methods you decide to employ to stay close to your grandchildren, do it with gusto and do it regularly. You think these kids are the greatest kids in the world. Make the most of all the ways you can tell them so.


Staying In Touch With Long Distance Grandkids. Retrieved May 6, 2012.

Long Distance Grandparenting: How to Keep in Touch. Retrieved May 6, 2012.

Long-Distance Bonding With Grandkids. Retrieved May 6, 2012.

Visit Jody's website and blog at and

Reviewed on May 7, 2012
by Maryann Gromisch, RN