A good relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren can be a little on the magical side. Okay, that sounds a bit starry-eyed.

Let's look at some statistics then.

An article on Caregiverstress.com reported that a senior can live for three to four additional years just because they have healthy relationships with their family members.

If you can bring your parents and your children together, it will be good for everyone concerned. If you live near your parents, that obviously is the best way to keep things close.

But even if you have a good deal of geography between yourself and your children's grandparents, overcoming the distance will be worth the extra effort.

Take the grandkids to the grandparents' house. Get on a boat or a plane or a train, or hop in the car and make it happen.

The younger generation can hang out with the older generation, going to their favorite haunts, possibly meeting their friends, and seeing whatever local sites both generations are up.

Then it's up, up and away for you, as you perhaps take off on your own romantic holiday elsewhere. You'll have had a nice little stopover to say hello to your parents, making sure they know whatever they need to know about the kids, and making sure the place is kid-proofed while you're at it.

You might also consider inviting your parents to come to see you and the family for a visit. Since they'll be in your home court it would be helpful if you had a list of possible activities and places that grandparents and grandkids might like to go.

Making a list of possibilities rather than of obligations will lend that atmosphere of adventure and enjoyment for the old and young. The ages of the children and the energy and endurance of your parents will of course be factors in what ends up on your lists. You won't need to put nap time on the list, if the oldsters and the youngsters need them, they'll just take them.

Don't worry about needing to take a chunk of time off from work while your parents are visiting. Just arranging for them to have time with you and the kids, as well as time with the grandchildren on their own can make for a nice environment for relationship-building.

Settle them in your guest room, or put them up in a nearby hotel, motel or cottage if they (or you) feel the need for some personal space.

Add grandchildren. Mix. And you've got magic.


Building Relationships with Grandkids Reaps Many Benefits for Seniors. Caregiverstress.com. Retrieved April 29, 2012.

Bonding with grandchildren can help seniors age well and remain positive. Medicare.org. Retrieved April 29, 2012.

Visit Jody's website and blog at http://www.ncubator.ca and http://ncubator.ca/blogger