You know that walking will keep you feeling younger longer. If you want to be able to get that kind of action out of your feet, you need to take good care of them in a pair of walking shoes that fit.

If you want to do it right, you need to take your sweet time in picking out the right shoes. If you've ever cut a walk short because your feet hurt and you're getting blisters, you know this is all too true.

So browse through plenty of pairs of footwear and walk out of the store with shoes that will fill the bill.

Protect your arches by making sure your shoes offer the right arch support. If you use custom-made orthotics, or insoles, be sure to bring these with you for your try-ons.

What kind of socks do you wear when you go walking? Make sure you are wearing a pair when you go to try on shoes.

Lightweight shoes will make the difference between having an invigorating, relaxing walk and feeling like your feet are carrying heavy weights.

Cushioning inside the shoe can mean the difference between a smooth stroll and painful paces as the hard ground jars your feet with each step. If you have arthritis, this is especially important.

When you were little, you may have started out with slip-on shoes.

Though you may resist the idea at first, slip-on shoes for seniors can be a great choice, especially if you have stiffness in your fingers or have trouble bending over to do up your shoes.

Elastic straps or Velcro can be the perfect solution.

A shoe that fits one foot will not necessarily have a mate that fits your other foot, because no pair of feet matches perfectly. One foot is probably bigger than the other.

So don't only try on one shoe and assume the other will be a good fit as well. Put on both shoes and make sure both of your feet are happy.

You can walk around a bit in the store to check the fit. But this won't necessarily tell you the whole story.

So when you get home, wear them about the house, preferably in the later part of the day when any swelling and enlarging of your feet is happening.

Once you've picked the shoes you want, you may be raring to go on a long walk but hold back for the time being.

Wear them around the house and for short trecks so that they can get broken in gently without hurting your feet.

A few days of this should be enough to put you on good footing for extending the length of your walks.

Listen to your feet during this process. If your heels start to complain or you develop a few tender spots, you know it's too soon to go on a marathon walk.


How to Choose Comfortable Walking Shoes. About. com. Retrieved July 23, 2012.

Elder Friendly Guide to Walking Shoes. Retrieved July 23, 2012.

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