What is it that makes the difference between a wonderful trip and one full of misery for a senior looking for a good time? Deep down, you know what makes that difference.

It is planning, preparation and predicting potential pitfalls.

All those P's may sound tedious but they really are the secret to having a trip to be remembered fondly rather than forgotten as quickly as possible.

If you plan and prepare, and predict potential pitfalls properly you will enjoy traveling this summer. Here are some suggestions to help you tackle all those P's.

Summer travel is great if ... you keep yourself hydrated. You may bridle at the notion of taking care of yourself as you have gotten older, but not everything has to do with being in your senior years. Knocking back the water is one of them.

Drink lots of water, whether you are thirsty or not. If you're on the go, you may not be able to chug back a glass or a bottle of water when you need it, so guzzle before you need it, whenever you have a chance. Be like the camel and fill up.

Summer travel is great if ... you take breaks. Once again, you want to do this whether you feel like you need it or not. And once again, you may be reluctant to yield to the stereotype of a senior needing a nap.

But if you wait till you're ready to drop life will lose its lustre. And if you are ready to drop while in the midst of rush hour traffic or in a dash to catch your connecting flight, you'll regret not getting some shut eye earlier in the day.

It doesn't mean you're a baby or a wimp or a little old man or little old lady if you take a nap. It means you are a smart soldier who is always prepared.

Summer travel is great if ... you dress for the climate. Maybe you normally wear long trousers and feel silly in shorts. But you know, maybe you don't really want to have heat stroke and ruin your vacation.

And maybe you'd like to wear those cute shoes with the kicky heels while you're sightseeing. But a sprained ankle, irritated corns or oozing blisters are not going to add to the enjoyment of your holiday.

Summer travel is great if ... you've seen your doctor beforehand. You may not have any chronic health issues. A checkup is still a good idea to be sure you're heading out with a clean bill of health and less chance of unpleasant surprises.

And if you do have some chronic issues, it's just being realistic to see your doctor, get any prescriptions filled and listen to any medical advice before you go. Take extra medication with you if you can, picking it up while you're away can be more challenging than you'd like.

Summer travel is great if ... you do your research before you make reservations. Don't take a chance of walking into a hotel room that is dirty, lacking air conditioning, or overlooks a garbage dump. Think about things like restaurants nearby or in the hotel, and maybe you'd like to take a dip in the pool.

Summer travel is great if ... you think ahead. Stay cool and enjoy your vacation.


Summer Travel Health Tips for Seniors

Seniors and Summer Heat

Visit Jody's website and blog at http://www.ncubator.ca and http://ncubator.ca/blogger

Reviewed on May 14, 2012
by Maryann Gromisch, RN