It seems that we now live our lives constantly connected. With the boom in social media we are able to give followers constant updates on our busy lives, whether they are interested or not. Now, we can even give a running commentary on our weight loss (or gain!). If you are a gadget lover and a health fanatic, then this is a must-have for you.

Withings, a French start-up company specializing in technological innovations, has given us the world's first WiFi internet connected personal scale. The sleek, black design of this compact scale (it's a mere 0.9 inches thick) looks more like a rather large iPhone than something to live in the corner of your bathroom.

Stand on this attractive device and it will give you a digital reading and automatically save your weight, body mass index (BMI) and your lean and fat mass to a personal web page. With a free iPhone application (WiScale) you can access your progress with easy-to-read graphs from your phone any time of day or night. You even have the option to automatically update your weight on Twitter, if you so wish (BMI or just TMI?). A great function if this method of motivation really helps you.

Withings recently announced that the WiFi scale is now integrated with Google Health, which launched in 2009. Your details can be automatically updated in your Google Health account. Here you can store all your personal health data for easy access and manage your information all in one place. For instance, you can log medical test results, medications, insurance, allergies and get information on conditions. It encourages users to take charge of their own health.

Google Health allows you to share your information with chosen family members, doctors and anyone else you'd like to access your profile. The WiFi scale has the potential for being a great resource for health care providers. Weight gain or loss may indicate a health problem so this could become an indispensable resource for health care professionals.

“Keeping your doctors and caregivers informed on all aspects of your health is important in maintaining a consistent health plan, so being part of Google Health's efforts to make this possible is thrilling,” says Cedric Hutchings, General Manager of Withings. “The social media feature was the next logical step in the evolution of the WiFi scale for our customers,” Hutchings says.

For those people serious about losing weight and improving long-term health and fitness then this approach could really help monitor progress and be well worth spending $159. Whether you chose to share this information with anyone else is a personal decision and only a small part of the great many aspects of the WiFi scale.
