Addiction is a family issue and each and every member of the family should be involved in the recovery process. For those who are battling addiction, couples’ therapy and family therapy are able to assist the patient in becoming aware of the dysfunction in the family system. Reasons for marital discord and conflict are identified and a treatment plan is developed to reestablish communication and trust issues, while learning new techniques and skills for the entire family to succeed in recovery.

The goal is to reduce family conflict and repair the relationship with the husband or wife as well as the children, breaking the cycle of addiction. Family sessions will help rebuild and reconnect the family by working through unresolved issues that the family has been experiencing for years.

Involving the entire family promotes sharing, open feedback and a creative search for solutions as the family learns about the illness with which the loved one is suffering. It allows the expressions of feelings that need to be dealt with in a safe environment that is not threatening.

Chances for a recovery from the addiction is increased with the combination of medical supervision, while professionals administer medications, education and family involvement. The involvement of the patient’s family is a key element in the successful treatment and relapse prevention goal.

The family must be involved in learning cognitive and behavioral skills, which will demonstrate improvement in the family’s communication skills. At the same time, education about the pros and cons of the suboxone medication enable involvement and rebuilding of trust with all members of the family system. During family therapy, the therapist will give detailed homework assignments, with clear instructions for each family member.

The goals are established separately for each member at the beginning of treatment so all parties are clear on issues needed to be resolved for complete family healing and total family recovery. The family system can then move forward.

Addiction narrows our minds and disassembles our will. The addiction itself takes on a life of its own and at the same time takes over the entire family system and destroys all healthy parts that may have existed at one time.

The man takes the pill. The pill takes the pill. And then the pill takes the man. Therapeutic interventions can confront the patient’s addictive behavior as a means of coping with depression and assist him in identifying the self-defeating, negative consequences of this behavior. In the process the patient will learn healthier, more constructive means of coping with depression. The therapist can also direct or refer the client to group therapy sessions in which he is encouraged to share feelings of depression, allowing for feedback of empathy, acceptance, and affirmations from group members.

In the sessions, all family secrets are brought forth for possible resolution and understanding. The forgiveness process can then begin and restructuring of the family system is put into place with new rules and new roles, which all agree to. The family in session can begin to develop their new code of what the family system stands for and change can then begin.

Peace can be restored in the household once resolution has been reached and understood by all members. The goal continues to be repairing the past hurts, lies, stealing and cheating. When this takes place in the family system the family itself can heal and move forward.

In recovery every member is important and must be heard and valued and at the same time if a family member or members is abusing drugs or alcohol, no one can be left out of the process of family therapy. The family is a system; with the addition of the addictions this throws the system and every member into dysfunction.

Many families have found great results and improvement from their family therapy sessions. They recover as they forgive and understand with new insight the new skills they have as a family, that stands for recovery as their mission statement as they move into new healthy territory with new skills and a healthy, loving, forgiving heart.