So how does the combination work?

So why does this combination work when individually none of them therapies do anything?

"When you put a patch on, it's steadily putting nicotine into your blood, and so it's generally taking the edge off some of your withdrawal all the time. But some people have times when they always have a cigarette — after a meal or when stressed at work, for example. These people can use the lozenge instead of going for a cigarette in those moments of intense craving," said Piper.

Piper credits the counseling therapy as having played a vital role in successful smoking cessation. The study says that now such counseling can be accessed by calling a national quit line (1-800-QUITNOW) that provides over-the-phone coaching. Further, if you have the money, face-to-face counseling can be obtained in a local clinic where you reside.

Except for bupropion, all the above smoking cessation therapies are available without a prescription. Piper even adds that most smoking cessation therapies are covered by health insurance plans.

Now to the real facts

This is just one more study with great results which does not have anything to do with reality. In fact more people smoke than ever and despite all the drugs introduced, not one made any impact on smoking cessation. Finally, remember these authors were funded by manufacturers of these smoking cessation products- so of course, the results were obvious before the study even began. One other point which the authors of this study make is false. The majority of health care insurance plans and Medicare do not pay for smoking cessation therapies. The reason- none of these therapies have ever been shown to work. For anyone who wants to quit smoking, go cold turkey- it is difficult, but it can be done and does not cost anything.

The study was published in the November issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry.