Looking for ways to calm down the allergies without having to resort to drugs? Dr. John Winder has some recommendations that may ease your allergy symptoms.

Avoiding physical contact with allergens goes a long way. Stay in the house when it's windy and the pollen is flying. Wash your hands and rinse your eyes, and while you're at it, wash your hair.

That's fine for outdoor allergens. What about inside?

"Pet dander, molds, skin and food particles, and insects accumulate in our homes, creating a perfect environment for allergies. Dust mites, microscopic creatures belonging to the spider family, thrive indoors and settle deep into carpets, pillows and mattresses." Vacuuming and getting rid of things that collect dust, and cleaning air ducts will help keep your environment freer of allergens.

Maybe you've tried these things, and a whole lot more, but are still living with the miseries. Dr. Derek Johnson has some suggestions to help you know when it makes sense to try some allergy medication. Don't look at it as defeat. If nothing else has worked, you need to take care of yourself.
