The number of individuals with dementia keeps on increasing and despite 30 years of solid research, we are no way near a cure for Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

The few drugs on the market barely work and have many side effects. While the pathology of Alzheimer’s is now well understood, the treatment appears to be difficult. It does not appear that any future drug will make an impact on this dreaded disorder.

Now, the focus is on prevention and hopefully delaying the onset of AD. Most of the preventive efforts on AD have been focused on using dietary manipulations to see if the disease can be delayed or prevented.

Recently a study from Columbia University in New York indicated that a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, nuts, whole grains, tomatoes, fish and low in red meat and saturated fats may protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Dr Nikolaos Scarmeas recently presented the findings of his study at the Annual meeting of the American Neurological Association.

In the research study 1,691 individuals over the age of 65 with no sign or symptoms of dementia were entered into the study. All individuals completed detailed questionnaires about the foods they ate in the preceding 12 months. All the listed foods were then assessed to determine the levels of different vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, and minerals that may be protective or detrimental to AD.