Do you have a big head? Has it ever occurred to you, this might be a good thing?

New research suggests that people with Alzheimer's disease who also have big heads are better at thinking and remembering than those with Alzheimer's who have smaller heads.

"For the study, 270 people with Alzheimer's disease took tests of their memory and cognitive skills and had MRI scans of their brains to measure the amount of brain cell death. Head size was determined by the circumference measurement."

Head size is just one of many ways to determine brain growth and also brain reserve, which is the abiliity to withstand changes happening in the brain.

Brain growth is also affected by other factors such as infection and inflammation of the central nervous system, nutrition and brain injuries.

If conditions during the prenatal period and early life can be improved, this may increase brain reserve. This may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's later in life.