Need a job and feeling a bit apprehensive about going on an interview? You’re not alone. According to the Bureau of labor statistics, unemployment for adult women was at 7.7 percent in February. Many women are out there doing the same thing.

The good news is, you can stand out from the other applicants just by being outstanding. You need to WOW them!

Here’s how:

1. Have a clear, concise, WOW resume. An exceptional resume with easy-to-read font and the most important information spelled out first is essential for getting the interview in the first place.

If you can afford it, hire a professional resume service. Their mission is to make you look good no matter what your age or background, so the cost is worth it. Don’t have the extra cash? Google do-it-yourself (DIY) resume services. (See below)

2. Dress to WOW. First impressions are vital, so it’s important that you capture their attention the moment you walk into the interview. Whether it’s a casual or formal environment, professionalism, confidence, and individualism are a must.

A red suit or another WOW color shows confidence. Not that bold? Opt for a bright blouse beneath a black blazer or a snazzy scarf.

Note: don’t dress like you’re going out on the town unless you would wear the same outfit to work. Leave the leopard-skinned Stilettos at home.

3. Arrive Early to WOW. This is especially important. You’d be surprised at the casualness of some candidates who drift in 10 minutes late. Arriving a few minutes early will display a strong work ethic and your interest in the position.

Not sure of the location? Do a dry run drive by the day before. One thing you don’t need is sweat rings because you got lost. Not a WOW factor you want to display.

4. WOW them with questions. Interviewers like a person who shows interest in the company. Have questions prepared before hand to ask about the organization.

And always follow up on questions or points they have for you. This way you will know exactly what they expect from you and you from them. If you don’t have knowledge about, say, a software program, let them know you’re willing to learn anything needed in order to excel at the job.

5. Send a thank you note. Make sure you grab an email address from your potential boss before leaving the interview.

Sending a follow up email thanking them for meeting with you and, once again, expressing your interest in the job might be the WOW element that makes you stand out from the rest.

Most importantly, if you don't get the job, don't blame yourself. Just move on to the next interview. Be strong and confident even if you don't feel it inside. You can do it.

Good Luck!

Sources and further reading:

United State Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics – Economic News Release – Employment Situation Summary. Web. 14, March, 2012

Women’s Health – Life – Job Interviewing Tops – Ace Your Interview. Web. 14, March, 2012

Huffington Post – Marlo Thomas – Mondays with Marlo - WATCH: How To Act In A Job Interview, From Tory Johnson (video). Web. 14, March, 2012

Resume info:
Resume Service: Hamilton Writing Services
DIY - Resume Now -

Edited by Jody Smith