In the first part of this article, we looked at what power yoga is and how classes are typically conducted. Basically, it’s a style of yoga that is typically very popular with people who are pretty physical fit and who want their yoga classes to be a good workout rather than just a relaxing experience.

In my research, I came across an article in the Alterative Medicine Zone website that discussed how power yoga can be used for helping with a huge list of specific and often serious health issues. For example, if you practice power yoga regularly the article says you may see relief with from things like bronchitis, cancer, asthma, constipation, heart disorders, hypertension, insomnia, obesity, menstrual disorders, sinus issues, and much more.

The article also states that power yoga may be useful for helping treat osteoporosis, cerebral palsy, and sclerosis, and that it can help control bodily functions like blood pressure, body temperature, and metabolic functions. Ideally, power yoga should help reduce or get rid of any anxiety and tension that is distracting you. Sweating while doing this type of yoga should remove toxins from your body, and (your Mom will love this part!) it should also help improve your posture.

I’m going to stop here for a minute and say that if you have a serious health issue that it would be best to get your doctor’s okay before trying power yoga or any other type of exercise. I’d also be very interested to hear from anyone who has tried power yoga to see what health benefits he or she noticed and experienced. From my own experience with doing yoga I have found that the breathing exercises and poses have definitely been helpful with decreasing stress and anxiety. Power yoga, with its emphasis on a flowing intense style, sounds like a great cardiovascular workout and one that could definitely provide a lot of health benefits.

Although gyms and other places that provide power yoga classes probably offer them at various times during the day, the Alternative Medicine Zone article suggests that morning is the best time to do power yoga because your “mind will be fresh and the body movements can be performed with ease.” The author suggests drinking a glass of lukewarm water before starting and going to the bathroom before class starts. If you feel fatigued during the class, stop and take a break, just as you would hopefully do during any other form of physical exercise.

Whether you take it at a gym or a yoga studio, power yoga seems like a good way to get a solid workout that also sounds like a lot of fun. It’s probably like other types of yoga in that the more you do it, the more comfortable you feel and the better you are at doing all of the poses and exercises properly and in the right order. If you’ve done this type of yoga please feel free to post your comments below—I look forward to hearing from you!

References: (warning—contains audio)