If you are serious about reducing your stress, these two-letter words spell an idea that will help you de-stress and, at the same time, make you healthier. The first one is “exer,” the second one is “cise.” Together they spell “exercise.”

Ok, I cheated a bit but you get the point: exercise is your ticket to lower stress and better health. The sooner you start an exercise program, the sooner you’ll begin to feel and see the benefits.

Note: Never begin an exercise program of any kind without consulting your doctor. He or she knows your precise condition and can recommend a program that will best suit your needs without posing a risk.

If you’re like me, the word “exercise” is itself a four-letter word in the classic sense of the term. I hate to sweat and my will power and discipline are not what they need to be to get me into the gym. But I know how important it is for my health and well-being both physically and mentally, so I’m in a bit of a pickle. How do I get myself to do what I need to do?? Here are a couple of things that have helped me. Perhaps they will help you as well.

1. One of the problems for me was that exercise can be boring. If you can exercise at home on, for example, a treadmill or stationary bicycle, record your favorite TV shows and allow yourself to watch them only while you exercise. This not only eliminates the boredom, but actually gives you an incentive!

If you jog or walk outside, get a portable electronic player and rent audio books about anything that interests you. A good murder mystery will keep you going without even thinking about it.

2. Another problem for me was that when I left the house to go for a walk, 30 minutes of that seemed like an eternity. If I didn’t have a player with me, as mentioned above, I used a mental trick. I would set a false goal and when I reached that goal, I would set another one.

So, for example, if I was walking in the city I would tell myself that I would only walk to the next stoplight and then turn around and come back. When I got to that stoplight, I’d tell myself, “That wasn’t so bad, I’ll go to the next stoplight and turn around.”

After doing this a few times I ended up with more time than I wanted to when I started! It’s weird that it works because I know I’m fooling myself when I do it but work, it does!

The key is to think about it and determine exactly what it is that is stopping you, and addressing each issue directly. Takes too long, too boring or no energy? Whatever it is, you can be creative and come up with an idea that will negate the objection and then you’ll be on your way!

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Edited by Malu Banuelos