We all have moments when we just can’t remember the right word. Sometimes, people who struggle to speak can seem funny to us, or like they are not as intelligent. But for people who suffer from aphasia, the likely cause is an injury to the brain that has nothing to do with intelligence. And a little understanding can go a long way toward improving communication.

Aphasia is a condition that often comes on suddenly as a result of trauma to the brain. This could be the result of an accident or a stroke, most often on the left side of the brain. Other conditions including a brain tumor, dementia, or an infection can cause aphasia to appear gradually.

Aphasia Symptoms

People with aphasia can have a variety of symptoms that fall into four basic categories:

Anomic or amnesia aphasia – This condition causes patients to have a hard time using the correct names for things, including people, places, and events. This is the least severe form of aphasia.
Expressive aphasia – These people have clear ideas they want to express but have a hard time finding the correct words. This condition causes difficulty communicating by speech as well as in writing.
Receptive aphasia – These patients have difficulty understanding what words mean. They can listen to a conversation or see words in print, but the words don’t make sense.
Global aphasia - Patients who suffer the most traumatic damage to the brain may lose all or nearly all language ability. They may be unable to speak or understand what is said to them, and may not be able to read or write. This is the most severe type of aphasia.

Guidelines for Communication

People with aphasia may feel isolated from their friends and family because of their difficulties communicating. If someone you love has aphasia, you can help him or her communicate by following these guidelines from the National Aphasia Association:

Don’t rush – Give the patient time to speak and to find the right words. Don’t try to finish sentences or fill in the missing word unless you are asked for help.
Control the environment – Loud noises and competing sounds like radios and TV can make it harder for someone with aphasia to communicate. Turn off the TV and remember that talking loudly will not help your loved one understand better. Speak at a normal volume.
Try other methods – If speaking is a problem for someone, look for other ways to communicate like hand gestures or drawings. The important thing is to get the point across. Don’t worry about correct grammar or sentence structure.
Double check – Remember that people with aphasia do not always attach the correct meaning to the words they use. First confirm that they understand what “yes” and “no” mean, then double check important points in the conversation by asking yes or no questions.

Aphasia can be frustrating for both the patient and the family member trying to communicate. Remember that your loved one is doing the best he can and is not at fault when he can’t remember the correct word. Therapy with a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) can sometimes help restore communication and can help the patient learn new ways to communicate to compensate for problems with language.


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Guideposts for Communicating