When I was a kid, no one ever discussed or prepared me for some of the aches and pains I would feel as I become a more mature adult.

As I get older, I feel these aches and pains occur almost daily.

For example, a sneeze or cough may tweak one of my muscles. Recently my husband coughed and he threw out his back.

Also, my husband suffers from arthritis pain in his shoulder and knee. This has mainly occurred from overuse.

We have discussed shoulder and knee replacements but decided against it because he didn’t want to be rebuilt like Darth Vader. So we have decided to manage his arthritis pain through do-it-yourself home tips, with the doctor’s supervision of course.

Here are the best two tips we have discovered that benefit his arthritis pain:

• Exercise
My husband walks one to two miles daily, even in the winter. According to the University of Tennessee Medical Center, “studies have shown that physical activity in the winter can actually reduce arthritis pain while enhancing other health benefits. Walking during the winter can have surprising health benefits, especially for those that suffer from arthritis.”

• Weight management

The dreaded words everyone hates to hear but we must heed to be healthy. For example, my husband rides his bike every other day, approximately six miles. This cardio exercise helps maintain his weight. He is 6’4” and has a very large build. Maintaining his weight is important because it eliminates the extra pressure from his knees.

Also, here are some additional tips, by the editors of Arthritis Today Magazine, on how to be good to your joints.

To see all 51 tips, you can go to: http://www.arthritistoday.org/treatments/self-treatments/joint-health.php/

• Consider vitamins
A multivitamin can give your the minerals and vitamins you need if you are not eating properly. Calcium and vitamin K benefit joint health and vitamin C for tissue repair. Also, for pain relief try folic acid and vitamin E.

• Try glucosamine supplements
Some studies suggest glucosamine, which is made from the shells of crab, lobster and shrimp, may contribute to cartilage repair. Also in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee it may ease stiffness and joint pain.

• Put a fish on the barbie
Cold fish water like mackerel and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids which promote joint health. Studies have show omega-3s may reduce inflammation and stiff joint pain in arthritis patients. If you don't eat enough fish you can supplement your diet with a fish oil capsule supplement.


Ease Winter Joint Pain - Healthy Tips - UT Medical Center. UT Medical Center - Wisdom for Your Life. Retrieved August 27, 2012, from

Joint Health | Joint Safety | Arthritis Today Magazine. Arthritis | Arthritis Today Magazine | Arthritis Foundation. Retrieved August 27, 2012, from

Reviewed August 27, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith